Guess I'm gonna die!
Guess I'm gonna die!
Aren't we all ;)
If you see a guy with matching freckles let him hug you, because then he'll dissappear and your castle will get another rainbow bridge.
It's actually his son.
I can relate to this.. latest victims are BL2 and X-COM: EU.. damnit.
Yeah, those two have been getting a lot of hype.
That was fucking awesome. You should do the whole movie, then do other movies, and keep going! :D
What WTF is up with the credit song?! Lol that's great too..
Yeah that is a great song!
Shoulda made them gangsta
Haha darn. I see your point
One word: BARF
Seriously, have a few kids, get divorced, battle for child support and or custody then come tell me about your prince and princess ideals. GAWD.
i'm sorry but i'm still a student, but i'll tell you about The Prince anyways.
whether you want to listen or not is totally up to you.
thanks for the post! :)
.. and then they boned.
Jokes aside, well done.. anyone who watches this can't help but think about the face they show.
The about a girl thing is a bit over done on Newgrounds but whatever.. what else are you going to do, have a pterodactly bust in and eat the kid?
That would have made for a much more interesting movie, I think. Dinosaurs are just so awesome. :D
But, jokes aside, I put in the girl at the end not to show any romantic interest, but just to show that there are still friends and people who can understand you even when everything else is sad. I felt like I didn't want to end this on a COMPLETELY depressing note.
You make animating look fun, rather than hard and technical.
That's fantastic to hear because that's the feel I've been trying to achieve! :)
10/10 as usual, but
how do you stay fully intoxicated while animating these?
i think if i was intoxicated i would probably make nothing, or maybe just some squiggles on the screen.
Joined on 1/3/08